

太极似镜, 映我心
心内展现, 君之真
修心养性, 行君道
仁义礼智, 君之范
心中光芒, 自放照

The Gentleman & Taiji Poem
by JunWu Taiji

The practice of taiji is like a mirror.
Taiji reflects heart & character, one’s inner essence.
Nurture the heart & Cultivate the self, the Dao of the gentleman.
Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom; the exemplar of the gentleman.
Radiating it from within, a beacon that inspire

君与太极这首诗,歌颂了 君的含义以及君伍的太极哲学理念。他传达了君伍太极者应该具备的道德和精神风范,强调了以练太极培养内心的品德。

This poem sings about JunWu’s philosophy of Self-Cultivation through Taiji. It metaphorically describes Tai Chi as a mirror that unveils the inner essence of an individual. It emphasizes the importance of cultivating one’s character and embodying positive qualities through taiji. 



Weekly Evening

Weekly Morning

Private Class

Corporate Class

Chong Pang GongFu Night 2- Thank you



与君共武2之龙行天下 群英展秀 的成功离不开给予我们的支持。君伍从心底感谢的参与,感谢使第二与君共武如此难忘!



Dearest Teachers and Friends, 

Thank You Teachers, Clubs, Performers, and Supporters – EVERYONE for Making 与君共武 2 – The Graceful Warrior 2, a Resounding Success! 

Your incredible support is truly appreciated.

JunWu 1st Anniversary & WuDeBei

What an incredible journey it has been for JunWu Taiji at the 10th WuDeBei International Wushu Competition! As we celebrate JunWu’s first anniversary by participating in the 10th WuDeBei International WuShu Competition for the second time, the experience has been both humbling and profoundly rewarding.

Team JunWu comprised 16 members (with 4 members flying in from Indonesia) entered the arena with enthusiasm. To our immense joy, we secured 19 Gold individual medals, earning JunWu the title of Overall Club Champion for the Internal Martial Arts Category (Taichi). Our team also clinched Paired Push Hand -Champion, Team Handform – Silver, Team Weapons – Bronze, Middle age Male and Female All Rounder – Silver, and secured a 5th place for Senior Male and 4th place for Senior Female in the Singapore-Malaysia King of Kings Competition. These achievements are particularly special as we commemorate JunWu’s first anniversary.

Our heartfelt congratulations extend to our JunWu competitors. Their commendable showcase of incredible focus and commitment is only surpassed by their display of sportsmanship throughout the competition. Beyond the glimmer of medals, our focus remains on the cherished values at the core of JunWu Taiji. 

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