Pesta Sukan – Wushu 2023

With immense pride and joy, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to our Junwu Members who rocked the stage at Pesta Sukan 2023 – you’ve made us burst with pride! With a fantastic tally of 10 gold, 5 silver, and 3 bronze medals; the fruits of your dedication, hard work, and unwavering perseverance, you’ve shown us what dedication and teamwork can achieve. As these accolades shine in your hands, they also reflect the embodiment of the values we cherish at JunWu. Beyond the medals, it is your dedication to the art, your commitment to excellence, and the display of exemplary sportsmanship and JunWu Spirit that truly make us proud. 

Your performances on the ground were more than just routines; they were a reflection of our values and what taiji means to us. The sweat, the late practices, and the determination you put in mirrored the same principles that define us. Together, we grow, learn, and achieve excellence.

Each one of you who stood tall at Pesta Sukan didn’t just win medals – you won our respect and admiration. You’ve set a shining example of sportsmanship and dedication that inspires us all to reach higher and aim further.

In our Junwu family, your victories are shared celebrations. Your dedication, skill, and tireless effort have made us truly proud. Here’s to your success, your journey, and the camaraderie that makes Junwu Taiji more than a team – it’s a family. Congratulations on your achievements in Pesta Sukan 2023 Wushu – you’ve made our hearts swell with joy!

JunWu In Action

Video Credits: Taijiquan SG