From Seed to Splendor: Celebrating JunWu’s Dynamic Growth and Welcoming the Year of Dragon

2023 was a landmark year for us at JunWu Taiji, a period marked by Courage. impressive Growth, and significant milestone. Our journey, which began just 2 years ago at Chong Pang CC with a modest group of 11 members, has now flourished into a thriving community of over 40 members, spread across two centres –  Chong Pang CC and Stadium. This remarkable growth reflects our dedication and the resonant appeal of Taichi in the hearts of many. 

As we look back, the pivotal moment came December 2022 when we officially embraced the name JunWu Taiji, a name that resonates with our ethos and aspirations. This momentous occasion coincided with our maiden appearance at the 9th International WuDeBei Wushu Competition under the name 忠邦君伍太极. This event was not just a debut; it was a declaration of our identity and a celebration of our collective spirit. This period also saw the launch of our website,, symbolising a new chapter in our digital connectivity and engagement. 

Our first anniversary in December 2023 was celebrated with a splendid achievements the 10th International WuDeBei Wushu competition where our 16-member team clinched the Overall Club Champion title with a haul of 19 Gold, 7 Silver and 3 Bronze Medals. Similarly, our participation in Pesta Sukan-Wushu in July, with a team of 5 secured a total of 10 Gold, 5 Silver, 3 Bronze, amidst preparation for our inaugural Gong Fu Night, 与君共武. Our Gong Fu Night was not a just a martial arts demonstration, but a manifestation of the harmonious interactions and Ubuntu spirit that we cherish – the belief in  ‘I am because WE ARE’. Our presence in the competitive arena was more than a display of skills; it was a testament to our members’ courage, focus and teh embodiment of TaiChi philosophy. The triumphs extend beyond the medals; they represent a deeper mastery of our craft and an living expression of Taichi principles in actions. 

Alongside our competitive success, we have embarked on a journey of modernization, reflecting this evolution through updates to our uniforms and overall image. Yet, this stride towards a contemporary look in no way diminishes our deep-seated connection to the traditions and core values of Tai Chi. This fidelity to our roots is exemplified through our active engagement in Tai Chi interactions and demonstration events across the year. Notably, we have participated in 12 such events, each one an opportunity to showcase the elegance and depth of Tai Chi, further cementing our commitment to this ancient art. 

True growth in JunWu Taiji is found in the courage to face challenges, the focus on honing our craft, and the commitment to the values of self-cultivation that are at the heart of JunWu Taiji. It is in the fluid movements of Taichi that we find metaphors for life – he ebb and flow, the harmony in duality, and the courage to embrace both. May the lessons of our art continue to guide us in 2024, fostering growth not just in our practice but in the very essence of who we are as individuals and as a community. 

As we close this eventful year, we are filled with gratitude for every member who has journey with us. Your dedication, practice, and contributions to JunWu Taiji have been instrumental in our collective success. Your commitment is the driving force behind JunWo’s collective success. We look forward to continuing this journey in 2024, allowing the principles of Tai Chi to guide us not inly in our practice but in shaping who we are as individuals as a community.