君伍太极 | About JunWu Taiji
君伍太极于2020年底由李淑君老师在忠邦民众俱乐部开始招生开班,随后也在2022年二月,国家体育场21号门开班招生。以君子之道德理念,君伍太极由2022年12月,正式提名,在国际武术比赛首次亮相,以8人获取16枚金牌庆贺成立。 君伍是个充满活力和活跃的团队。全体都很踊跃参与武术观摩会,为弘扬太极出一分力。
Junwu Taiji started its first class during the Pandemic in late 2020 at ChongPang CC on Wednesday evening by Coach Lee. As demand grew, coach Lee started another class at Gate 21 at National Stadium in Feb 22 on Saturday morning. JunWu Taiji was formally named in Dec 2022, drawing its name from the Chinese word Gentleman [Jūn] representing the embodiment of good moral character, and its inauguration was commemorated with 16 gold medals by 8 pioneer members in an international WuShu Competition. JunWu is a vibrant school that is very active in the Singapore taiji fraternity with members doing their part to promote the arts during WuShu demonstration events and participation in competitions
君伍太极哲学理念 | JunWu Taiji's Philosophy
太极似镜, 映我心
心内展现, 君之真
修心养性, 行君道
仁义礼智, 君之范
心中光芒, 自放照
The Gentleman & Taiji Poem
by JunWu Taiji
The practice of taiji is like a mirror.
Taiji reflects heart & character, one’s inner essence.
Nurture the heart & Cultivate the self, the Dao of the gentleman.
Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom; the exemplar of the gentleman.
Radiating it from within, a beacon that inspire.
君与太极这首诗,歌颂了 君的含义以及君伍的太极哲学理念。他传达了君伍太极者应该具备的道德和精神风范,强调了以练太极培养内心的品德。
This poem sings about JunWu’s philosophy of taiji: self-cultivation through taiji. It metaphorically describes Tai Chi as a mirror that unveils the inner essence of an individual. It emphasizes the importance of cultivating one’s true character and embodying positive qualities as the Dao of a gentleman, with which one will naturally radiate and shine, becoming a positive influence to others.
Composed on 1st July 2023
仁爱、正义、礼仪和智慧, 君子应该具备的品德特质, >君子该有的风范