Chong Pang GongFu Night 2- Thank you



与君共武2之龙行天下 群英展秀 的成功离不开给予我们的支持。君伍从心底感谢的参与,感谢使第二与君共武如此难忘!

我们要向所有与君共武2的老师和拳友们表达最深的感激之情感谢您为忠邦居民带来精彩的太极和武术表演. 在每一次演出背后都是奉献,付出,时间和辛勤练习。我从心底感谢您。当晚的每一场演出中都鲜明地展现了龙的精神,庆祝个人成长之旅和我们所有人内心的龙之心。

感谢您们的热情和充满正能量的反应。你们给我们的细致策划的好评 (感谢我们的策划总监),鼓励并激励我们为“与君共武”的未来更有信心。

非常感谢我们的赞助商和合作伙伴,感谢您的慷慨和对君伍的信任。我们对您给予的支持深感感激。我们也衷心感谢每一位帮助传播与君共武2消息的人。在社交媒体上的分享、口碑推荐和个人邀请在汇聚如此多的人群方面起到了至关重要的作用。的支持不仅帮助我们实现了目标,而且展示了我们武林的力量和团结。特别感谢@Taijiquan SG 在他的YouTube频道上的大力支持,使我们所有人都能重温那些激动人心的时刻。

再次感谢您带给“与君共武2”的成功。的支持意义重大;的支持给予我们力量,我们期待着继续与你们共同前进 – 与君共勉!


Thank You Teachers, Clubs, Performers, and Supporters – EVERYONE for Making 与君共武 2 – The Graceful Warrior 2, a Resounding Success! Your incredible support is truly appreciated.

We express our deepest appreciation to all teachers and friends who brought spectacular taiji and wushu routines to Chong Pang. Each performance, driven by dedication and hard work, was a testament to the enduring spirit of Tai Chi — embodying balance, harmony, and resilience. This spirit of the dragon was vivid in every performance, celebrating the personal growth journey and the dragon’s heart within all of us.

We are profoundly grateful for the high energy and commitment shown by over 400 performers across 30 diverse items. Your enthusiasm and the positive feedback about the event’s meticulous planning, especially kudos to our Event Director, have encouraged and motivated us as we plan future editions of “The Graceful Warrior.”

A big thank you to our sponsors and partners for your generosity and belief in our vision, and to everyone who helped spread the word. Special thanks to @Taijiquan SG for capturing the moments on his YouTube channel, allowing all of us to relive the excitement.

Together, we have created a memorable experience, and your support has left an indelible mark on our hearts. We look forward to nurturing the legacy of The Graceful Warrior with you. Together, let’s continue to rise like dragons, embodying the profound wisdom and strength of Tai Chi.

Once again, thank you for making 与君共武 an overwhelming success. Your support gives us strength, and we eagerly anticipate continuing this journey together – 与君共勉!

With heartfelt gratitude,
JunWu Taiji