Chong Pang GongFu Night- Thank you




我要向所有与君共武的老师和拳友们表达最深的感激之情。感谢您为忠邦居民带来精彩的太极和武术表演. 在每一次演出背后都是奉献,付出,时间和辛勤练习。我从心底感谢您。因为有您的付出和笑容,大家才有个充满了活力和感染力的气氛拳友共武。能与君共武,是我的荣幸。我也要感谢我们敬业的志愿者团队。的辛勤工作和奉献精神对于活动的顺利进行至关重要。无论是协助搭台,管理物流,还是在活动期间提供支持,我非常感激的奉献。与君共武的成功是你们的功劳!还要特别感谢慷慨支持我们并让我们能够无时无刻在他的YouTube频道上回味与君共武的时刻的摄影师@Taijiquan SG。感激,感恩有您这位好友的支持。谢谢!

我亲爱的忠邦和体育场的学生们,真的是君伍的英雄!感谢迎接首次表演的挑战。的勇气和决心真的令人叹为观止。您呈现给大家的不是拳技而是我们习武者的精神:自强不息,勇气和决心感谢你们展现了君伍的精神。超级爱你们!!! 忠邦会应为你们而活跃起来!


最后但同样重要的是,我要衷心感谢每一位帮助传播与君共武消息的人。在社交媒体上的分享、口碑推荐和个人邀请在汇聚如此多的人群方面起到了至关重要的作用。的支持不仅帮助我们实现了目标,而且展示了我们武林的力量和团结。再一次,感谢使与君共武取得了巨大的成功。的支持对我们来说意义重大;的支持给予我们力量,我们期待着继续与你们共同前进 – 与君共勉!


Thank You Everyone for Making 与君共武 a Resounding Success! 

I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I sit down to write this post. JunWu’s inaugural Wushu Demonstration was nothing short of extraordinary, and it wouldn’t have been possible without your incredible support. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being a part of it and for making it such a memorable experience!

I want to express my deepest appreciation to all teachers and friends! Thank your for bringing amazing taiji and wushu routines to Chong Pang residents. Behind every performance are dedication, commitment, time and  hard work. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you.  Your presence truly made a difference, and your smiling faces filled the venue with an energy that was contagious. Your enthusiasm and participation added an extra layer of joy and excitement to the entire occasion. I would also like thank our dedicated team of volunteers. Your hard work and commitment were vital in ensuring the event ran smoothly. Whether you were assisting with setup, managing logistics, or providing support during the event, your efforts did not go unnoticed. You all went above and beyond, and I am incredibly grateful for your unwavering dedication. Also a special thank you to our volunteer photographer @Taijiquan SG who so graciously supported us and enabled all of us to savor the moments on his Youtube Channel.

To my beloved ChongPang and Stadium students, you all are truly JunWu hero! Thank you for taking up the challenge to perform for the first time. Your courage, bravery and determination were truly awe-inspiring, and I want to assure you that your performance was about demonstrating the Martial Spirit of Determination, Courage and Continuous Improvement than about achieving excellence in the form. It was a celebration of your extraordinary qualities that made you shine brightly in my eyes. Thank you for exemplifying the JunWu spirit. Love all of you to bits!

To our sponsors and partners, thank you for your generosity and belief in us. Your contributions played a significant role in making this event possible, and we are immensely grateful for your support. Your commitment to our cause is inspiring, and we deeply appreciate your willingness to invest in our community.

Last but certainly not least, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who helped spread the word about our event. Your social media shares, word-of-mouth recommendations, and personal invitations played a crucial role in bringing together such an incredible crowd. Your support not only helped us reach our goals but also showcased the strength and unity within our network.

Together, we have achieved something truly remarkable. Your presence, encouragement, and support have left an indelible mark on our hearts. We couldn’t have asked for a better group of friends to share this journey with us. 

Once again, thank you for making 与君共武  an overwhelming success. Your support means the world to us; your support gives us strength and we look forward to continuing this journey together – 与君共勉!

With heartfelt gratitude,


Click here to savor the moments